Thursday, September 24, 2009


Wouldn't it be neat to have virtual interaction both with each other and to make all kinds of music, where everyone is a composer?? If some people can no longer talk to one another, why not use music to talk? Combined in after-hour clubs with pumped oxygen, this could definitely be a hit.
Check this out:
"BARE" is a conductive ink that is applied directly onto the skin allowing the creation of custom electronic circuitry. This innovative material allows users to interact with electronics through gesture, movement, and touch. Bare can be applied with a brush, stamp or spray and is non-toxic and temporary. Application areas include dance, music, computer interfaces, communication and medical devices. Bare is an intuitive and non-invasive technology which will allow users to bridge the gap between electronics and the body.
Click under the heading "Projects" to see all the videos about this exciting invention:

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